How To Query JSON Object with Unknown Keys in PostgreSQL


Use jsonb_object_keys().

select col->jsonb_object_keys(col) from t;

Not Quite TL;DR

Suppose I have a jsonb column that stores other JSON objects with unknown keys for whatever reason. It could be because they’re user-generated, or maybe they’re timestamps.

Let’s go with timestamps.

    "0": {
        "id": "4d3",
        "class": 1
    "120": { 
        "id": "5a7",
        "class": 2
    "240": { 
        "id": "3b8",
        "class": 3

We want to grab the class field of each object in column col of table t.

select col->jsonb_object_keys(col)->>'class' from t;

Let’s try this with this standalone WITH query.

with t(col) as (values('{
    "0": {
        "id": "4d3",
        "class": 1
    "120": { 
        "id": "5a7",
        "class": 2
    "240": { 
        "id": "3b8",
        "class": 3
select col->jsonb_object_keys(col)->>'class' from t;

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